CyCAT WinterSchool

The Winter School: Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics (FATE) in AI aims to cover topics related to AI systems and promote the multidisciplinarity of FATE, with an emphasis on human-centered AI. Participants will benefit from understanding the diverse perspectives of others involved in the above topics.

The FATE in AI Winter School is targeting Postgraduate students at Masters and PhD levels, and early career postdoctoral researchers. The disciplines of the students and researchers we are aiming to attract can be aligned, but not necessarily limited to the following:

Human Computer Interaction

Data Science

Information Systems

Cognitive Systems

Computer Science

The aim is for the participants to be exposed to the issues of FATE in AI from different angles e.g. from the developer’s point of view, or that of the data scientist, user interface and interaction designer etc., as well as the ethical implications of their decisions when designing, developing, or auditing an AI system or tool. This will provide the participants the opportunity to have a more holistic idea of where biases might occur during the process of developing an intelligent system and deploying it for use. Aligned with the ACM principles for Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability, and ACM Code of Ethics, this winter school aims to support the benefits of AI systems while examining the issues that accompany their opaqueness.

The goal of the FATE in AI Winter School is to bring people into a holistic environment, with participants, as well as speakers, coming from different disciplines, allowing them to get a different perspective than the one they hold, which will result in new insights on the topics of FATE. Our objective is to educate participants, broaden their knowledge and emphasize the importance of FATE topics by gaining the experience and creating resources for providing awareness. The knowledge participants’ gained will be demonstrated through the hands-on activities and potential synergies under projects they will be working during and after the winter school and especially during the last two days.

This winter school is one of the planned activities of the EU-H2020 funded Twinning project CyCAT (Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency, Grant Agreement No. 810105).

11 January 2021 1:00 pm (CET)



Prof. Joanna Bryson, Hertie School of Governance
Prof. Michael Rovatsos, University of Edinburgh
Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento
Prof. Tsvika Kuflik, University of Haifa
Prof. Jahna Otterbacher, Open University of Cyprus
Casey Dugan, IBM
Dr. Frank Hopfgartner, University of Sheffield
Dr. Jo Bates, University of Sheffield
Dr. Styliani Kleanthous, Open University of Cyprus
