DataScientia workshop meeting

Styliani Kleanthous (CYENS-fAIre), Jahna Otterbacher (OUC & CYENS-fAIre) and Maria Kasinidou (PhD student, OUC) attended the DataScientia workshop meeting hosted by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia at the University of Trento, Italy (17/04-19/04/2023).
The meeting aimed to present the Mission of DataScientia as well to explore opportunities for collaboration among the participants. Prof Otterbacher and Dr Kleanthous presented the course “AI in Everyday Life” which is a joint effort between the Open University of Cyprus and the University of Trento. AI in Everyday Life was originally envisioned by CyCAT and has since expanded to teach a range of non-technical audiences about AI.
17 April 2023 12:00 am (GMT)
University of Trento