Styliani Kleanthous, Assistant Professor
Open University of Cyprus
Human Computer Interaction
Kleanthous holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, UK. She is an Assistant Professor at the Open University of Cyprus and collaborator with the fAIre - Fairness and Ethics in Human - AI Interaction group at CYENS CoE. Styliani’s main research interests and expertise are concentrated in the area of Human Centered AI. She specializes in exploiting psychological and social theories for understanding the interaction between humans and AI enabled technologies. Her work also falls in the area of designing intelligent interaction and adaptive user support. She has published over 40 papers in journals and scientific conferences, co-organised a number of international workshops and has given numerous presentations. Since 2004 she has been involved in different UK and EU-funded research projects for establishing requirements, modelling users and providing adaptive support for collaboration, learning, medical data analysis and identifying innovation networks.
Paper by Styliani:
Perception of fairness in algorithmic decisions: Future developers' perspective