Jahna Otterbacher, Coordinator
Open University of Cyprus
Information Retrieval, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
Jahna Otterbacher holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA is an Associate Professor at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC), Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences. Jahna also coordinates the Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency (CyCAT) at the OUC. In addition, Jahna holds a concurrent appointment as team leader of the Transparency in Algorithms Group at RISE... Read More
Paper by Jahna:
Competent Men and Warm Women: Gender Stereotypes and Backlash in Image Search Results

Loizos Michael, Senior Researcher
Open University of Cyprus
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Theoretical Computer Science
Loizos Michael holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University, USA is an Associate Professor at Open University of Cyprus, where he founded and directs the Computational Cognition Lab. His research focuses on the principled study of cognitive processes associated with individual or collective intelligence — such as learning, reasoning, sensing, communication, cooperation — and how those are... Read More
Paper by Loizos:

Styliani Kleanthous, Assistant Professor
Open University of Cyprus
Human Computer Interaction
Kleanthous holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, UK. She is an Assistant Professor at the Open University of Cyprus and collaborator with the fAIre - Fairness and Ethics in Human - AI Interaction group at CYENS CoE. Styliani’s main research interests and expertise are concentrated in the area of Human Centered AI. She specializes in exploiting psychological and social theories... Read More
Paper by Styliani:
Perception of fairness in algorithmic decisions: Future developers' perspective

Michalinos Zembylas, Senior Researcher
Open University of Cyprus
Educational Theory, Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies
Michalinos Zembylas is a Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies at the Open University of Cyprus. He is also Honorary Professor at Nelson Mandela University in the Chair for Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation. He has written extensively on emotion and affect in relation to social justice pedagogies, intercultural and peace education, human rights... Read More
Paper by Michalinos:

Michael Rovatsos, Advanced Partner
University of Edinburgh
Artificial Intelligence
Michael Rovatsos is a Reader at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Bayes Centre, the University's innovation centre for Data Science and AI. He has a track record of over 90 publications in AI (mostly in multiagent systems, automated planning, and adaptive online collaboration platforms) , and has been involved in externally funded projects... Read More
Paper by Michael:

Alan Hartman, Senior Researcher
University of Haifa
Information Systems
Alan Hartman is a senior lecturer at the University of Haifa, Department of Information Systems and an adjunct professor at the Afeka Academic College of Engineering. He completed his Ph. D. in mathematics at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He joined the IBM Haifa Research Lab in 1983. His industrial research focused on storage technology, mathematical optimization, hardware and... Read More
Paper by Alan:

Veronika Bogina, Junior Researcher
University of Haifa
Information Systems
Veronika is a PhD student at the University of Haifa, Department of Information Systems. She works on Temporal Aspects in User Modelling and Recommender Systems. Veronika has an experience as a software engineer at Search Technology Group at IBM Haifa Labs.

Fausto Giunchiglia, Advanced Partner
University of Trento
Language Diversity
Fausto Giunchiglia is a Professor of Computer Science, University of Trento, ECCAI fellow, member of the Academia Europaea. Fausto studied or had positions at the Universities of Genoa, Stanford, Edinburgh. His research is on knowledge management with a focus on managing diversity. He holds around 10 Best Paper Awards, gave more than 50 invited talks in international events; chaired... Read More
Paper by Fausto:

University of Haifa
Information Systems
Prof. Tsvi Kuflik is a Professor and former head of the Department of Information Systems at the University of Haifa, Israel. His main areas of research are Ubiquitous User Modelling and Intelligent User Interfaces. For over than ten years Tsvi is leading a research group at the University of Haifa, focusing on “Active Museum” – applying novel computing and communication... Read More

University of Sheffield
Information Studies
Jo Bates is a Senior Lecturer in Information Politics and Policy based at the University of Sheffield Information School. My research examines two interrelated factors (1) the socio-material factors that constitute how data are produced, used and move between different people and organisations, and how particular cultural constructs come to take on substance in data through the... Read More
Paper by Jo:
Data journeys: Capturing the socio-material constitution of data objects and flows

Maria Kasinidou, PhD Candidate
Open University of Cyprus
Human Computer Interaction, AI Education, AI literacy
Maria received her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus in 2018,
and her M.Sc. degree in Human-Computer from the University of Bath in 2019.
She is currently a researcher at the Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency (CyCAT) at the Open University of Cyprus.
Maria is currently pursuing a PhD through the Open University of Cyprus. Her PhD topic focuses... Read More
Paper by Maria:

Frank Hopfgartner, Advanced Partner
University of Sheffield
Data Science, Recommender Systems
Frank Hopfgartner is a Senior Lecturer in Data Science at the Information School of the University of Sheffield. His research to date can be placed in the intersection of information systems (e.g., information retrieval and recommender systems), content analysis and data science. He has (co-) authored over 150 publications in the above-mentioned research fields, including a book on... Read More

Open University of Cyprus
Machine Learning
Kalia Orphanou holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cyprus. She is a postdoctoral researcher at CyCAT. After she finished her Ph.D., she has been awarded an ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme, where she was hosted by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), in the Netherlands, for one year (May 2017 – April 2018). Kalia’s main research interests and expertise are... Read More
Paper by Kalia:

Avital Shulner Tal, Junior Researcher
University of Haifa
Algorithmic Transparency and Fairness.
Avital Shulner Tal is a junior researcher in the Information Systems Department at the University of Haifa, Israel. She is a Ph.D. student and holds a Master’s degree from the Information Systems Department at the University of Haifa, Israel. Avital's main research interests and expertise are concentrated in the area of Algorithmic Transparency and Fairness.

Nandu Chandran Nair, Research Assistant
University of Trento
Knowledge Management
Nandu, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Knowledge Management at the University of Trento, Italy; is an experienced Research Assistant in the same field for more than three years. Currently, she works on developing a crowdsourcing methodology to build a lexico-semantic resource for under-resourced languages.

Vicky Kleanthous, Project Manager
Open University of Cyprus
Information Systems
Vicky Kleanthous received her B.Sc. in Management Information Systems from the University of Nicosia. She is now a postgraduate student at the Open University of Cyprus in the field of Management, Technology, and Quality and she is a project manager at the Cyprus Centre for Algorithmic Transparency.
Kyriakos Kyriakou, PhD Candidate
Open University of Cyprus, CYENS CoE
Human-Computer Interaction, Human Agency and Oversight
Kyriakos Kyriakou (BSc & MSc, Computer Science) is a Research Associate at the Fairness and Ethics in AI – Human Interaction Multidisciplinary Research Group (fAIre) (formerly known as Transparency in Algorithms – TAG) of the CYENS Centre of Excellence (formerly known as RISE) in Cyprus. He studied Computer Science at the University of Cyprus, with a specialization in Software... Read More
Paper by Kyriakos:
Fairness in Proprietary Image Tagging Algorithms: A Cross-Platform Audit on People Images

Evgenia Christoforou, Research Associate
Evgenia Christoforou (female, Ph.D., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) is a Research Associate at the TAG MRG at CYENS. Previously, she held a postdoc position at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. In 2017 she received her PhD in Mathematical Engineering from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. During her PhD studies she was employed by IMDEA Networks Institute. Her thesis,... Read More
Paper by Evgenia:
It’s About Time: A View of Crowdsourced Data Before and During the Pandemic

Anthi Ioannou, Interaction Designer
User Experience
Anthi Ioannou is a UX Researcher and Designer with a multidisciplinary professional background. She holds a BA in Applied Foreign Languages (University of Montpellier), an MSc in Intercultural Communication for Business and Professions (University of Warwick) and an MSc in International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Cyprus University of Technology).
Her research interests include... Read More
Paper by Anthi:
Cyclops: Looking beyond the single perspective in information access systems