
CyCAT holds monthly seminars in this topic and that one. Our seminars are held online where viewers can ask questions. Most of our past seminars can be watched here.

BHCC 2020

CyCAT is organizing the 2nd symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (BHCC2020) taking place between 10-11 of November 2020. For more information and abstract submission please click Learn More.

10 November 2020 12:00 am (GMT)


CyCAT Webinar: Digital Language Divide

Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency – CyCAT announces its new seminar on: "Digital Language Divide" with Dr. Fausto Giunchiglia, Professor in Information Engineering and Computer Science department at University of Trento, Italy. Presentation Abstract: This seminar focuses on the so-called “Digital Language Divide” namely the fact that only a very small minority of the 8,000 natural languages spoken worldwide (not considering dialects) have a sizable online presence. The... Read More

13 April 2020 7:00 pm (GMT)



Dr. Fausto Giunchiglia

1 hour

Fairness in User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (FairUMAP 2020)

Workshop Description Personalization has become a ubiquitous and essential part of systems that help users find relevant information in today’s highly complex information-rich online environments. Machine learning, recommender systems, and user modeling are key enabling technologies that allow intelligent systems to learn from users and adapt their output to users’ needs and preferences. However, there has been a growing recognition that these underlying technologies raise novel... Read More

17 July 2020 12:00 am (GMT)

Genoa, Italy